• Container Garden Design,  Container Gardening,  Fertilizers and Nutrients,  Selecting Containers,  Urban Gardening,  Videos,  Watering and Drainage

    Sun Life Foundation Unveils Urban Gardening Program At School

    Sun Life Foundation Unveils Urban Gardening Program at School Sun Life Foundation Unveils Urban Gardening Program at School 1. Benefits of Sun Life Urban Gardening Program Title: Reap More than Root Vegetables with Sun Life Urban Gardening Program – Let’s ‘Turnip’ the Fun! Hey green-thumb enthusiasts, city dwellers, and everyone in between. How about saving the world while making a salad? Seems too good to be true, right? Well, buckle up because we’re about to sow the seeds of knowledge about an initiative that’s as revolutionary as Farmville once was to Facebook gaming – the Sun Life Urban Gardening Program. First thing’s first, this isn’t your typical, run-of-the-mill gardening program…

  • Container Garden Design,  Container Gardening,  DIY Projects,  Seasonal Gardening,  Selecting Containers,  Urban Gardening,  Watering and Drainage

    Volunteers Prepare Urban Garden On Presidents Day

    Volunteers Prepare Urban Garden on Presidents Day Volunteers Prepare Urban Garden on Presidents Day 1. Mobilizing Volunteers for Urban Gardening on Holidays Title: Turn your Green Thumbs and Weekends Green: Mobilizing Volunteers for Urban Gardening on Holidays Let’s face it; your Netflix queue may be refusing to shrink, but your sulking houseplants are enthusiastically popping reminders. If they could talk, they’d probably say, Feed us, Seymour! But hold on, we’re not raising Audrey IIs here; we’re just trying to paint our urban concrete jungles a little bit green. This means that it’s high time for urban garden warriors to wield their pruners and plunge deep into the fertile land of…

  • Container Gardening,  Maintenance and Care,  Plant Selection,  Watering and Drainage

    Dont Be Fooled By Warm Weather For Early Gardening

        Title: Wrath of Jack Frost: Listen to the Frost-Whispers with Your Darling Warm Weather Crops! Introduction: Imagine, just for a second, you’re a summery tomato plant, basking in the sunny afterglow of a hot day, and then comes Jack Frost, sneaking around like a frosty Sherlock Holmes, scheming to change your glowing summer red into a dismal, icy blue. It’s like enjoying a hot tub party only to have someone toss in a cube from the Arctic! Understanding Frost: Frost, that sneaky villain of the chilling theater, usually struts its stuff between late autumn and early spring. They are the egotistical artists responsible for the icy designs you…